The Apprentice Asia : Masih ingat lagi rancangan The Apprentice yang pernah ditayangkan dulu? Masih ingat lagi dengan ungkapan “You’re Fired” yang terkenal itu? Kini, AXN menerusi saluran Astro 701 menampilkan rancangan baru bertajuk The Apprentice Asia dan program itu dikatakan bakal menarik perhatian penonton-penonton Asia pada 22 Mei 2013 ini.
Siapa yang pernah lupa dengan rancangan asal The Apprentice yang dihoskan oleh jutawan terkenal, Donald Trump dulu yang telah berjaya menjadi salah satu rancangan hangat di seluruh dunia sejak ditayangkan pertama kali di Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2004. Pendek kata, setiap kali rancangan The Apprentice ni bersiaran, pasti ramai yang terkaku di depan televisyen.
Kadang-kadang tu bukan pasal apa.Sebab nak tengok siapa yang kena “You’re Fired”.
Mengetengahkan konsep yang sedikit berbeza dari cerita asal, The Apprentice Asia akan dihoskan oleh hartawan syarikat penerbangan dari Malaysia iaitu Tan Sri Tony Fernandes dan diterbitkan oleh Fremantle Media Asia yang juga menerbitkan The Apprentice edisi Indonesia dan Australia sebelum ini.
The Apprentice Asia : Tony Fernandes
Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes
Group Chief Executive Officer, AirAsia
Wow...akak baru tau yang Tony Fernandes adalah seorang pemegang Ph.D. Tak perlulah akak cerita banyak pasai beliau. U olls semua pun lebih mengenali beliau kan? Taikun bisnes yang amat dikenali di Malaysia ini.
Group Chief Executive Officer, AirAsia. Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes has a personal credo – “Believe the unbelievable. Dream the impossible. Never take no for an answer”. He graduated from Epsom College, UK, London School of Economics and has been the Group CEO of AirAsia since December 2001.
Prior to AirAsia, he was the Financial Controller of Virgin Communications London before joining Warner Music International London in 1989. He was promoted to Managing Director, Warner Music Malaysia in 1992 and to Regional Managing Director, ASEAN, Warner Music South East Asia in 1996. In 1999, he became the Vice President of Warner Music South East Asia.
Amongst the many awards Tony has received, the most recent award is: Honor of the Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, conferred on him for services to promote commercial and educational links between the UK and Malaysia. He was named as one of the world’s most creative people in business for 2011 by New York-based business magazine Fast Company, and awarded the Inaugural ‘Travel Business Leaders Award’ winner by CNBC.
Seperti yang umum ketahui, Tony bukanlah calang-calang ahli korporat perniagaan. Beliau telah berjaya mengangkat nama AirAsia ke persada dunia dan berjaya dipilih sebagai Best CEO for Malaysia oleh Corporate Governance. AirAsia sendiri berjaya memenangi anugerah World’s Best Low-Cost Airline dari tahun 2009 hingga 2012.
Mari berkenalan dengan 12 perserta dalam rancangan The Aprentice Asia ini.
The Apprentice Asia : Contestants
Keseluruhan jalan cerita menampilkan 12 eksekutif syarikat dari setiap pelosok Asia akan merebut peluang untuk bekerja di salah sebuah anak syarikat Tony Fernandes. Setiap episod menyaksikan peserta yang tidak bernasib baik akan disingkirkan daripada pertandingan.
Team Apex
Andrea Loh Ern-Yu | Singapura
Age: 25
Nationality: Singaporean
Marital status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from National University of Singapore
Current Occupation: Lawyer
Nationality: Singaporean
Marital status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from National University of Singapore
Current Occupation: Lawyer
“I take a task more seriously when I realize there is a competitive element. I always examine what edge the winner had over me and make a mental note for the future.”
Beliau berusia 25 tahun. Mendapat pendidikan tertinggi di NUS. Seorang peguam. Beliau adalah peserta termuda dalam rancangan ini. Dia sangat suka melancong seorang diri. WOWWW! Meletops.
1. Dian Krishna Mukti | Indonesia
Age: 36
Nationality: Indonesian
Marital status: Married
Education: Master of Arts (Mass Communications) from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Current Occupation: Housewife
Nationality: Indonesian
Marital status: Married
Education: Master of Arts (Mass Communications) from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Current Occupation: Housewife
“I only dream about meeting successful people. If I am given the opportunity to work within an organization as well-oiled as Tony Fernandes’ team, I will cherish that.”
2. Nik Aisyah Amirah Binti Mansor | Malaysia
Age: 25
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital Status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from University of Adelaide
Occupation: Auditor
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital Status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from University of Adelaide
Occupation: Auditor
“I’ve always been the organizer – be it an event, a party, assignment or even a simple outing, as I possess strong leadership skills.”
3. Ningku Lachungpa | India
Age: 29
Nationality: Indian
Marital status: Single
Education: Master’s Degree in Advanced Management
Practice from University of Bath
Current Occupation: Director in family owned infrastructure
development company
“People rarely intimidate me. Situations do.”
Nationality: Indian
Marital status: Single
Education: Master’s Degree in Advanced Management
Practice from University of Bath
Current Occupation: Director in family owned infrastructure
development company
“People rarely intimidate me. Situations do.”
Berusia 29 tahun. Merupakan pengarah bagi syarikat pembinaan yang dimiliki oleh keluarga beliau sendiri.
4. Celina Le Neindre | Filipina
Age: 30
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single
Education: Philippine School of Culinary Arts, Master Chef Program
Occupation: Food & Beverage Consultant
“I’m a sore loser but I enjoy a good challenge. I pout and even get angry with myself. I grew up being used to winning, and getting what I want.”
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single
Education: Philippine School of Culinary Arts, Master Chef Program
Occupation: Food & Beverage Consultant
“I’m a sore loser but I enjoy a good challenge. I pout and even get angry with myself. I grew up being used to winning, and getting what I want.”
5. Dussadee Oeawpanich | Thailand
Age: 35
Nationality: Thai
Marital status: Single
Education: Masters of Arts (Communication Studies) from University of Northern Iowa
Current Occupation: Owner of a bistro bar
“My diverse background and experiences that I bring to the show will help me win. I’m surrounded by all types of people; I’m good at dealing with them and I’m good at organizing and planning.”
Nationality: Thai
Marital status: Single
Education: Masters of Arts (Communication Studies) from University of Northern Iowa
Current Occupation: Owner of a bistro bar
“My diverse background and experiences that I bring to the show will help me win. I’m surrounded by all types of people; I’m good at dealing with them and I’m good at organizing and planning.”
Wanita ini bersuai 35 tahun. Bila akak tengok dia... teringat Kimora Lee Simons. Dia merupakan pemilik bistro di Bangkok.
Team Maverick
6. Alexis Lothar Bauduin | Bangsa French tapi berasal dari China
Age: 29
Nationality: French
Marital status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Business from IPAG Business School (France)
Current Occupation: Asia-Pacific Director in charge of liquor brand in a leading luxury goods conglomerate
“I get promoted fast in every company I worked in. That speaks better than any award.”
Nationality: French
Marital status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Business from IPAG Business School (France)
Current Occupation: Asia-Pacific Director in charge of liquor brand in a leading luxury goods conglomerate
“I get promoted fast in every company I worked in. That speaks better than any award.”
Jantan paling kendu dalam rancangan ini. Berusia 29 tahun. Boleh cakap Mandarin. Meletops lah.......pasti ramai adik adik yang tonton rancangan ini sebab beliau.
7. Hendy Setiono | Indonesia
Age: 30
Nationality: Indonesian
Marital status: Married
Education: Advanced Diploma of E-commerce from Informatics Computer School
Current Occupation: Founder and CEO of his F&B company
“There are many formulas to success, but nothing will happen unless you take action.“
Nationality: Indonesian
Marital status: Married
Education: Advanced Diploma of E-commerce from Informatics Computer School
Current Occupation: Founder and CEO of his F&B company
“There are many formulas to success, but nothing will happen unless you take action.“
Seorang usahawan yang amat terkenal di Indonesia dengan syarikat rangkaian makanannya yang mempunyai lebih daripada 1000 cawangan diseluruh Indonesia iaitu Baba Rafi Enterprise (Kebab Turki Baba Rafi, Ayam Bakar Mas Mono dan Bebek Garang).
8. Jonathan Allen Yabut | Filipina
Age: 27
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single
Education: Bachelor in Science in Economics from University
of the Philippines
Occupation: Senior Product Manager
“I am an extremely driven and passionate person. I always set my eyes on the prize, and as people would describe me - what Nate wants, Nate gets.”
Age: 27
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single
Education: Bachelor in Science in Economics from University
of the Philippines
Occupation: Senior Product Manager
“I am an extremely driven and passionate person. I always set my eyes on the prize, and as people would describe me - what Nate wants, Nate gets.”
9. Nazril Idrus | Malaysia
Age: 38
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital status: Married
Education: Chartered Accountant, Institute of Chartered Accountant Australia
Current Occupation: Financial Coach, Trainer & Entrepreneur
“I like to win, actually I love winning. If I ever enter anything, I only want to be the best.”
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital status: Married
Education: Chartered Accountant, Institute of Chartered Accountant Australia
Current Occupation: Financial Coach, Trainer & Entrepreneur
“I like to win, actually I love winning. If I ever enter anything, I only want to be the best.”
Sapa tak kenal beliau kan? Suami Sazzy Falak. Mula-mula terkejut juga kenapa dia boleh join this rancangan. Adakah kerana beliau artist? No no no. Bukan senang nak masuk jadi peserta rancangan ini. U olls mesti ada CV yang strong okay. Walaupun umur 38 tapi look like 20 an laa..waaaaa sentap..
10. Ng Kian Tat (Hanzo) | Malaysia
Age: 34
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital status: Married
Education: SPM (O levels equivalent)
Current Occupation: Business Owner
“Money is my No. 1 value in life. No money no talk rings loud. Everything I do is for money and what money can do for me and my family.”
Nationality: Malaysian
Marital status: Married
Education: SPM (O levels equivalent)
Current Occupation: Business Owner
“Money is my No. 1 value in life. No money no talk rings loud. Everything I do is for money and what money can do for me and my family.”
Seorang lagi Malaysian yang menjadi peserta dalam rancangan ini. Depa panggil dia sebagai sales NINJA. WOWWW! Sales adalah satu skills dalaman yang bukan semua boleh possesed dalam masa satu hari.
11. Samuel Rufus Nallaraj | India
Age: 37
Nationality: Indian
Marital status: Married
Education: MBA (Marketing & Information Systems Management) from Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship
Current Occupation: Vice President, IT infrastructure, in one of the Big Four professional services firms
“I believe a great leader is also a great follower but not vice versa.”
P/S : Interview job yang thrilllNationality: Indian
Marital status: Married
Education: MBA (Marketing & Information Systems Management) from Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship
Current Occupation: Vice President, IT infrastructure, in one of the Big Four professional services firms
“I believe a great leader is also a great follower but not vice versa.”
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